Mona Life is a Purpose Driven Company
When Troy Silva founded Mona Life, it was never about just making money. He just really loved plants, animals, eating, breathing, smiling, making people feel good and living well. To be totally honest, he also had an ulterior motive. He believed and continues to believe that he might just accidentally save the world.
Core Beliefs of Mona Life
1) We believe that humans and non-humans of all shapes, sizes, and varieties are part of a much larger, interconnected system.
Modern people often call that system “Nature” because they perceive this system as functioning outside of or separate from human-made environments. This is simply not true on so many levels. It is a fact, not just a belief, that we are all a part of a great, interconnected world. Like it or not, all individual lifeforms affect other lifeforms in some way. There’s no getting away from that. The harder we try as a species to separate ourselves from the rest of life on earth, the more we put our individual and collective futures at risk.
2) We believe in uplifting others as a way to uplift ourselves. Eploiting others for self gain should never be an option.
We believe that when all beings thrive, we all thrive as individuals. When we think we’re individually better or more deserving than others, our decisions become based in greed rather than good. A life lived only for personal gain is a life filled with loneliness and apathy.
3) We believe that when we give effortlessly by giving something that we have a natural abundance of, we create win-win situations that mutually benefit others and ourselves without risking burnout, guilt, or resentment.
When we live in Regenerative Ecosystems like the ones we help create at Mona Life, caring for others feels effortless or even pleasurable! Most of us are familiar with the phrase, “It’s better to give than to receive.” While this phrase is well intentioned, it seems to miss the point. It implies that giving requires self-sacrifice and that you should feel bad about receiving more than you give. That’s a horrible way to live if you ask us.
The Mona Life Story
To truly understand our purpose, you’ll need to know the story of our founder’s epic life journey. It’s a tale of unbridled imagination, blind optimism, tragic loss, undying resilience, and the wealth of knowledge and wisdom gained from continuing to follow your heart no matter where life takes you.